Jungian Analyst - Diplomate ISAP Zurich
BodySoul Rhythms Leadership Training
Somatic Experience Practitioner
Spiritual Director
Welcome to my website which gives an overview of my work as an Analytical Psychologist-Jungian Analyst, Somatic Experience Practitioner and Spiritual Director.
I hold deeply that each of us is unique and has an unrepeatable gift, a spark to bring forth into life. It is a journey to realise our full potential and bring this spark into being. Psychotherapy can be helpful to explore what is impeding our flow of life. As a Jungian analyst, I work with dreams, images and the body as they hold the seeds of our potential, aspirations and limitations.
Interested in finding out more? Let me know and I will reach out.

“What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and
Spread its
Branches against a future sky?”
David Whyte